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05. December 2024

CS Beschaffung Supports Education Project

05 December, 2024

CS Beschaffung supports school meals to create future opportunities through education

No way to escape poverty without education. This is particularly true for the Maasai people in Kenya, whose previous nomadic way of life is no longer possible due to climate change. The extreme drought of recent years has deprived them of almost all their livestock. New prospects and ways to feed themselves and their families must be found. Education holds the key to this. The children only have a chance on the job market if they have a school diploma. However, in the extreme heat and without sufficient water and food, learning is incredibly difficult. The children can hardly concentrate. A free school lunch helps to ensure that the 120 pupils can follow their lessons without hunger and are well supplied with drinking water. The school lunch program plays a vital role in encouraging regular attendance, as the nutritious meals provide students with the energy and focus they need to thrive in their education. For many, it’s not just a meal - it’s a source of strength that helps them succeed each day.


Osiligi is located about 100 km south of Nairobi in Kajiado County. It is one of the driest regions in Kenya. Mainly Maasai live here. The people are acutely affected by hunger and extreme poverty. 95% of the local livestock have died due to the persistent drought – thus the predominantly only source of supply and income for the people has broken away. Agricultural yields are only possible if the rainy season brings moderate rainfall. However, this often falls extremely, so that young plants are washed away before they could form a solid root system. This leads to many families temporarily starving and only being able to eat rationed meals. Many children suffer permanently from hunger and thirst and are affected by malnutrition or undernutrition.

Background Information

ora Kinderhilfe has been active in Kenya for more than 9 years and has been supporting the primary school in Osiligi since 2022. Since then, we have been working on expanding and professionalizing the educational opportunities for the children on site. The introduction of a school meal, the construction of school toilets, the payment of teachers' salaries, and an extension to the school are important milestones achieved.

For 37 children, the school lunch is secured in the long term through our ora sponsorship program. To enable the other 83 school children to have a daily lunch, we rely on extra donations. This school is an absolute heart project of ora Kinderhilfe in this region marked by crises and needs.

The Contribution of CS Beschaffung

With its financial support, CS Beschaffung ensures that all children at the Osiligi primary school receive lunch. Through daily school meals, the children in Osiligi have a chance to grow up healthy and free from hunger. The nutritious meal has become an incentive for many children to attend school daily, securing both their education and nourishment for 120 students.


Would you like to learn more about the project or have questions about project funding?
Feel free to contact:

Stephanie Röwe
Head of Funding Management
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 Schulkinder bei der Essensausgabe in Osiligi


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